Now that Hollywood has mostly figured out how to get its biggest movies approved for release in China, studio m... [查看全文]
The latest big-screen version of The Fantastic Four went down in flames over the weekend, earning just $26.2 mil... [查看全文]
Loyal fans of the hit RPG "World of Warcraft" are anxious to see its movie adaptation happening on June 10, 20... [查看全文]
Terminator Genisys《终结者:创世纪》主演: 阿诺·施瓦辛格/ 艾米莉亚·克拉克/ 杰·科特尼/ 杰森·克拉科/ 李秉宪中国上映时间:8... [查看全文]
Movies from Disney/Pixar and Disney/Marvel made it to new milestones this week, both internationally and worldwide.... [查看全文]
A toe-curling website has ranked more than 300,000 pairs of celebrity feet in terms of attractiveness.一个网站展示... [查看全文]
他把数字99加入了错综复杂的纹身大集合里,以纪念他人生中最幸福的一年。而且可以肯定的说,大卫·贝克汉姆身上足够让人眼花缭乱错综复杂的... [查看全文]
虽然《碟中谍5:神秘国度》还未上映,演员汤姆·克鲁斯(Tom Cruise)就已宣布了他出演续集计划。 《每日秀》中,主持人囧司徒(Jon ... [查看全文]
"Heroes Reborn" is offering a first look at the new characters joining the miniseries with a collection of m... [查看全文]
Rizzoli & Isles are staying chained to each other. Rizzoli和Isles还要继续拷在一起了。 TNT has renewed the co... [查看全文]