American Horror Story: Hotel is about to add another AHS alum to its ranks: EW has exclusively learned that... [查看全文]
It's time to say goodbye to DaVinci's Demons. The show's previously announced third season will be... [查看全文]
The Brink has earned a second season from HBO. HBO续订了《政局边缘》(The Brink)第二季。 The dark comedy, sta... [查看全文]
Arrow has revealed another piece of Season 4 casting. Actor Jimmy Akingbola, who’s only other U.S. role... [查看全文]
有一种情怀,叫做谨以此片献给保罗•沃克。纪念是一个简单的词汇,对于《速度与激情7》的团队而言,它却是一段漫长的旅程…… F... [查看全文]
Josh Hopkins将作为常规演员,饰演FBI特工Liam O'Connor,匡迪科(Quantico)训练营的员工。因过去犯的错误,导致情绪低落,倍受困... [查看全文]
DeRay Davis加入FX《Snowfall》导航集作为常规,该剧由John Singleton创作,故事关于1980年代洛杉矶的毒品交易蔓延。《Boyz N The... [查看全文]
Congratulations are in order for Once Upon a Time's Robin Hood. Sean Maguire and his wife Tanya have wel... [查看全文]
中新网7月9日电 据台湾中广新闻网报道,美国著名电影演员和制片人、银幕上的大侦探汤姆·赛立克(Thomas William Selleck)日前被媒体... [查看全文]
奥普拉25年20个经典场景回顾(十五)2006年1月6日 奥普拉咄咄逼问畅销书作家 畅销书作家詹姆斯·弗雷(James Fray)忐忑地参与录制... [查看全文]