林青:汉生,你周末去哪儿了?汉生:我去动物园了。林青:你见到了什么动物?汉生:我见到了两只大熊猫,可爱极了。Lin Qing: Han Sheng... [查看全文]
林青:汉生,你刚才在干什么?汉生:我刚才在洗衣服。林青:真的?汉生:真的。看,我洗了一件衣服、两条裤子和三双袜子。Lin Qing: Han... [查看全文]
实用英语短对话:汽油涨价了 英文版青青:Excuse me, 30 Liters of 93# gasline please.服务员:Yes. And the 93# gasline get... [查看全文]
实用英语短对话:囧 英文版青青:Hu zi, do you know how to spell this character "囧"?胡子:No, I don't know. Once... [查看全文]
实用英语短对话:市内一日游 英文版胡子:Excuse me, do you provide one-day trip service?服务员:Yes. Where do you want t... [查看全文]
实用英语短对话:租车 英文版胡子:Excuse me, I'd like to rent a car.服务员: You need to fill some of your persona... [查看全文]
青青:Xiao Li goes too far! She stole Xiao Wang's boyfriend.胡子:Xiao Li is both beautiful and gentle, while X... [查看全文]
青青: It's said Xiao Li got divoced.胡子: I heard it too. And it's said the divoce is caused by another... [查看全文]
青青: Hi, i just lost my bag in a taxi.警察: Do you remember the number of the taxi?青青: I didn't pay at... [查看全文]
青青:Hu zi, I want to buy a string of haws on stick. But I didn't have small money, the uncle can't ... [查看全文]