I like it black 我要黑咖啡 Mr. Thomas is making a long-distance call. Please wait for a few minutes. ... [查看全文]
We have been expecting you 我们一直都在期待你们的到来 Good morning. I’m Liu Yi, from China XYZ Company... [查看全文]
Calling without an appointment 没有预约的到访 I am Liu Yi, from China XYZ Company. I’d like to see ... [查看全文]
Lousy business trip 糟糕的出差 Hi, Francis, how was your business trip? Francis,你好,你出差的情况怎么样了?... [查看全文]
Changes in rule 规则的改变 I am going on a business trip to Guangzhou next Monday morning. 我下周一早上... [查看全文]
Handle my stress 对付压力 Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed by your work? 有时候你会不会觉得被工作压得喘不过... [查看全文]
Feel exhausted 感到筋疲力尽 I have been very busy this year, working late, often taking work home and tak... [查看全文]
Regular overtime 经常加班 Do you know that working overtime in some companies is a regular thing? 你知道... [查看全文]
Leo: Who will you with in Thanksgiving Day? 你会和谁一起过感恩节? Lucy: Maybe with my parents, I haven'... [查看全文]
Bob: How about a drink? 去喝一杯怎么样? Tom: That's a good idea. 好主意。 Bob: Which beer to drink... [查看全文]