Lily: Ann,read this news.安,看这则新闻。Ann: About what?关于什么的?Lily: The news is about a woman journalist in Sa... [查看全文]
Dad: We will go for a picnic this Saturday.这周六咱们去野餐。Sam&Amy: Great!万岁!Sam: Will you take a kite with yo... [查看全文]
小杨: How sexy she is! Perfect shape with cleavage! Her bra must help a lot!她真性感!完美的胸形,有乳沟。她的胸罩一... [查看全文]
大嘴: What are you rapt in ?So dedicated!你在看什么?这么专注啊!脸盆: Have a look at the most beautiful eyes.快来看... [查看全文]
杨: Why are you looking so sad?你看起来为什么那么沮丧?李: I fought with Paul again yesterday. We both mentioned di... [查看全文]
小杨: What make you so angry?什么让你这么生气?小李: Don’t mention it. This damn chewing gun sticks to my new... [查看全文]
杨: Wow, dating with millionaire, so nice!哇,跟富豪相亲,好棒!李: Nice? You may not say so after you really join... [查看全文]
Ann: Alison,What kind of pet do you want to get?艾莉森,你想要怎样的宠物?Alison: How about a goldfish?一条金鱼怎么样... [查看全文]
女儿: Dad, what’s up?爸爸,什么事?爸爸: Sweetheart, I would like to ask you to help me.甜心,我想请你帮个忙。女... [查看全文]
Tom: Mom,I am back.妈,我回来啦。Mom: Why are you all wet,Tom?汤姆,你怎么全身湿透了?Tom: Don’t worry,I am fine.... [查看全文]