Danny: I need a 2.5 GPA. What am I going to do?我的绩点要达到2.5.我该怎么办?Tom: What about retaking your ACT? It... [查看全文]
Pete: You'd better have a good reason for dragging me down here, Mary.你最好说一个让我到这里来的很充分的理由.Mary:... [查看全文]
医生: What’s the matter with you ?什么情况?病人: ...I..I have a toothache. It is painful.我…我牙疼,很痛。医生: I... [查看全文]
Lily: Hey, Amy, have you seen the newspaper today?嘿,艾米,你看了今天的报纸了吗?Amy: I haven’t, is there any ... [查看全文]
Bob: Hey,Tom, have you prepared the exam tomorrow?嘿,汤姆,明天的考试准备了吗?Tom: Yes,I have prepared last night.恩... [查看全文]
Ann: What are you reading?你在看什么?Lily: The Time.《时代》Ann: Does there have any interesting?有什么好看的吗?Lily: ... [查看全文]
Jef: Honey, what are we having tonight?亲爱的,今天晚上吃什么?Monica: Well, I don't want to brag about it. You... [查看全文]
Jen: Have you felt like you were dead?你有没有感觉自己死了?Mon: Are you smoking pot? Is that a question?你是不是抽... [查看全文]
Tom: Wow, she is so hot and foxy. I never expect a black woman so hot.她好性感,迷人啊。我从没发现黑美人这么性感。J... [查看全文]
Peter: Hey, Liz. I tried to call you like a million times last week. Did you block your number?丽姿,我上周给你... [查看全文]