Bob: Ann, it is a long time for us to see each other.安 ,我们好久没见了吧。 Ann: Yeah, I though you ha... [查看全文]
杨: Hi, guy, why are you looking so sad? 嘿,伙计,为什么你看起来如此沮丧? 李: Well, I want to make a spe... [查看全文]
Jenny: Look at that cute dog with the mouth mask? 看看那只戴口罩的狗狗?好可爱啊。 Judy: I feel tense. I th... [查看全文]
Mindy: Oh, please stop it. You are disgusting. How can you put those ugly worms into your mouth? You might... [查看全文]
端午节英文:话端午(情景对话)Duan Wu Festival [查看全文]
Miss Lee: Tom,can we have a talk? 汤姆,我们能谈谈吗? Tom: Okay,Miss Lee. 好的,李老师。 Miss Lee: Do y... [查看全文]
Tom: Hi, Bill. What were you doing this morning? 嗨,比尔。你今早在做什么啊? Bill: Just watching movie. 就... [查看全文]
Lily: Amy, how long have you been here? 艾米,你在这呆了多久了? Amy: I came to China on June, it has bee... [查看全文]
Lily: Anne, do you like vampire? 安妮,你喜欢吸血鬼吗? Anne: Yes, I do. I think they are quite cool and ... [查看全文]
Lily: Am I invisible now? Can you still see me? 我隐身了没有?你还能见到我吗? Jake: What are you talking ab... [查看全文]