Jean: I thought Koreans were very traditional. 我以为韩国人很传统的。 Jaco: As far as I know, yes, they ar... [查看全文]
Jaco: This is the most ridiculous job that I have ever heard. 这是我听过的最搞笑的职业。 Jean: Worse than ... [查看全文]
月月: I finally realized that a dog is rather better than a man. 我终于发现狗狗比男人好多了。 小戳: Did yo... [查看全文]
小西: This Spring Festival coincides with Valentine's Day on February 14. There are two festivals on one ... [查看全文]
夫人: It is a heavy storm,right? 好大的暴风雨啊,不是吗? 仆人: Yeah,I haven’t seen such storm before. ... [查看全文]
a: do you think that climate change is responsible for the recent floods? [查看全文]
Ann: Congratulations to be as a new mother. 恭喜你当妈妈了。 Lily: Thank you. I feel very happy. 谢谢,... [查看全文]
woman: Let's say goodbye to each other. 我们分手吧。 man: Why?I mean I love you so much! 为什么?我是... [查看全文]
Gary: Hey,man!Long time no see.How's everything around you?嘿,小子!好久不见!最近过的怎么样?Ross: Well,listen,Gary.I... [查看全文]
Bob: Look at this fish lattern, what's on it?看这只鱼灯,上面写的什么?Monica: What is smaller than an insect'... [查看全文]