老公: Honey, open the door, please listen to me.亲爱的,开下门,听我说。老婆: Go away, I’ve heard enough of y... [查看全文]
Ann: What should I do?我该怎么办啊?Lily: What have you done?你做什么啦?Ann: I entered for volunteer for a very imp... [查看全文]
Bob: Have you heard of The Beat Generation?你听说过垮掉的一代吗?Tom: What?什么?Bob: The Beat Generation, and it refe... [查看全文]
Ann: I don’t want to go on any more.我不想再看了。Lily: Frankly speaking, me too.坦白说,我也是。Ann: Why are... [查看全文]
Ann: How come? Why did I always lose my One-Card?怎么会这样?为什么我老是在丢一卡通呢?Lily: You must have been very ... [查看全文]
Jessica: Do you think I should take the red one or the yellow one? Mat? Are you with me?你觉得我是该拿红色的还是... [查看全文]
Jesse: Honey, we are coming home tonight. We haven’t had dinner with mom for a month.亲爱的,我们今天回家吧。... [查看全文]
Leo: Why are you crying?你为什么在哭?Lucy: I just read an article, named,"I'll go back to the Year 1997, real... [查看全文]
Ann: Today, my course was British Literature. Do you know what the teacher taught? Too boring.我今天的课是英国文学... [查看全文]
Ann: I love Mr. Darcy?我爱上达西了。Lily: Mr. Darcy? Is the main character in Price and Prejudice?达西?是《傲慢与偏... [查看全文]