Foreigner: Excuse me.劳驾。Lingling: Yes?什么事?Foreigner: Is there a hotel nearby?这附近有宾馆吗?Lingling: Yes,go strai... [查看全文]
Dad: You don't have to go to school tomorrow,Tommy.你明天不用去上学啦,汤米。Tommy: Why not,Daddy?为什么呀,爸爸?Dad... [查看全文]
Lily: Ann, how long can you keep awake?安,你最长可以几天不睡觉?Ann: 3 days, the most. What is the matter?最多3天,... [查看全文]
Ann: If you have 8 million yuan, would you like to buy a car?如果你有八百万,你想买辆车吗?Bob: No, I will buy an... [查看全文]
Ann: Why are you unhappy?你为什么不开心呢?Lily: I want to stay away from school.我想逃课。Ann: What do you want to... [查看全文]
Ann: How come? I run more slowly than a year before.怎么回事呢?我跑得比一年前慢了。Lily: Why? I have seen you to ... [查看全文]
Bob: Hey, Tom,why are you looking at a piece of paper for hours?嘿,汤姆,你干嘛对着一张纸发呆呢?Tom: I read a pie... [查看全文]
Tom: Hey, would you like to have a drink after work?嘿,下班后要去喝一杯吗?Bob: Sorry, I have to leave at once.对... [查看全文]
Ann: Such an unlucky day!真是不幸的一天!Lily: What happened? You look very unhappy.怎么啦?你看起来很不爽啊。Ann: Last ... [查看全文]
大嘴: David and Victoria Beckham have been the subject of massive media coverage since their marriage .自结婚以来... [查看全文]