Susan: Wow, what a beautiful skirt! 哇哦,好漂亮的裙子啊。 Lucy: Thank you! My boyfriend bought it for me.... [查看全文]
杨晨: Cuihua, do you like Liai? 翠花,你喜欢李艾吗? 翠花: Oh, who is that? 哦,她是谁啊? 杨晨: My God!... [查看全文]
向南: Hey, Xiao yun. Guess who I met yesterday? 嘿,晓云,猜猜我昨天遇到谁了? 杨晓云: Let me see. It must ... [查看全文]
大嘴: Which actress do you appreciate ? 你喜欢哪个女演员? 脸盆: I think Dongjie is my favorite ,she’s... [查看全文]
一、赶时髦(go after fashion) A: Fashion show is around the corner, I’m so excited! 时装表演即将来临,我... [查看全文]
大嘴: Do you believe the existence of extraterrestrial beings?你相信有外星人吗?脸盆: Yes, the universe is expanse, t... [查看全文]
大嘴: Did you know Yexiqi?知道叶熙祺吗?脸盆: Not so clearly, a newcomer of Music City ?不算太了解,乐坛新人吧?大嘴: ... [查看全文]
Lily: Your face is very pale. What’s wrong with you?你的脸色很苍白,你是怎么了?Ann: I don’t feel myself ... [查看全文]
Lily: Are you at leisure now?你现在有空吗?Ann: No, I’m going to the bank.没,我正准备去银行呢。Lily: What are ... [查看全文]
Lily: The performance is wonderful.演出真的很精彩!Joey: They dance very well and the music is so pleasant.舞跳得好看... [查看全文]