Smith Sensei:: In today's English class, we'll be talking about the average American. to begin with, the ... [查看全文]
Kevin:: So what's your favorite golden oldies?Keiko: You mean my favorite song? I don't know. that's l... [查看全文]
Jane:: I have an acne problem. What causes acne?Doctor: Acne is caused when skin pours (皮肤毛孔)become clogged w... [查看全文]
Bart:: There's a new resurgence in binge drinking (聚众饮酒作乐)among American college students.Lisa: Yes, I'... [查看全文]
Steve:: What's your favorite movie of all time?Michelle: That's a good question? I don't know. Maybe "... [查看全文]
Ted:: Hi, Nobuaki! It's good to see you again.Nobuaki: yes, it's been a while. Hey, you've gotten big... [查看全文]
Dr. Rosen:: 48% of high school girls and 61% of boys are sexually active in the U.S.Mrs. Smith: It is amazing... [查看全文]
Lisa:: What's the matter?Sara: I'm not happy with the way I look.Lisa: what's wrong?Sara: I'm too ... [查看全文]
Dave: So how did you meet Linda?Phil: I met her through a computer bulletin board (电脑告示板).Dave: Oh really? ... [查看全文]
Mike:: Let's go get a coke. I gotta have some caffeine.Susan: How many cokes have you had today?Mike: This ... [查看全文]