【迷你小对话1】 A: I am completely tired of our English classes – the teacher does not seem to take ... [查看全文]
【迷你小对话1】 A: Did you hear about the rich matron that lay languid in the sun all day? B: Yes, I h... [查看全文]
【迷你小对话1】 A: Ted is the new boy in the class. He looks so bored with everything the teacher says. ... [查看全文]
【迷你小对话】 A: Your cat is beautiful. She’s so peaceful, so languorous there in the sun. B: Well,... [查看全文]
【迷你小对话1】 A: Wow, it’s really hot today! B: I know. I feel I completely listless. Hey, let&rsq... [查看全文]
【迷你小对话1】A: Janet just asked Jack straight out what he’s planning to do next semester. She knows he f... [查看全文]
【迷你小对话】 A: What’s wrong? B: I’m completely tired of this class. A: I noticed you look... [查看全文]
【迷你小对话】 A: What did you think of the movie? B: At first I thought it was great. It started out ... [查看全文]
【迷你小对话1】 A: I’m going to show you a few home movies now. B: OK, but don’t bore me to... [查看全文]
【迷你小对话1】A: Did you hear that some Japanese sumo wrestlers are performing downtown?B: Yes, everyone at work ... [查看全文]