快速阅读作为改革后出现的一种新题型,是考生在四级考试中遇到的第一道主观题,因此,它的答题状况,对考生整场考试的心态有至关重要的影响。其实,快速阅读看起来文章长,时 [查看全文]
阅读时间的分配及长难句分析(先看题目还是先看选项,或者先浏览文章?看得懂文章,选不对答案) 关于做阅读理解,尤其是快速阅读这一部分,有两个方法,因人而异。方法一是比较普 [查看全文]
用真题讲一下如何搞定四级选词填空。 这篇四六级选词填空是我在四级冲刺班讲的一套题,2007年6月的四级考试真题,考生普遍反映很难,因为绝大多数的备选单词都不认识,这也是这 [查看全文]
After the violent earthquake that shook Los Angeles in 1994, earthquake scientists had good news to report: The damage and death toll(死亡人数) could have been much worse. More than 60 people died in this earthquake. By comparison, and [查看全文]
Cancer is feared by everyone. And this fear is reaching epidemic(流行性) proportions. Not the disease itself there is no such thing as a cancer epidemic. Except for lung cancer, mostly caused by cigarette smoking ,the incidence rates are [查看全文]
Until the 1980s, the American homeless population comprised mainly older males. Today, homelessness strikes much younger part of society. In fact, a 25-city survey by the U. S. Conference of Mayors in 1987 found that families with children [查看全文]
The greatest contribution to civilization in the century may well be the air-conditioning- and American leads just as amazing is the speed with which this situation came to be. Air-conditioning began to spread in industries as a production [查看全文]
Of the thousands of different kinds of animals that exist in the world man has learned to make friends with an enormous number. Some are pets, and offer him companionship; some give protection, and some do hard work which man cannot do for [查看全文]
Our quarrel with efficiency is not that it gets things done, but that it is a thief of time when it leaves us no leisure to enjoy ourselves, and that it strains our nerves when we try to get things done perfectly. In building bridges, Ameri [查看全文]
Now let us look at how we read. When we read a printed text, our eyes move across a page in short, jerky movement. We recognize words usually when our eyes are still when they fixate. Each time they fixate, we see a group of words. This is [查看全文]