Passage 2 A growing world population and the discoveries of science may __11__ this pattern of distribution in the future. As men slowly learn to master diseases, control floods, prevent famines, and stop wars, fewer people die every year; [查看全文]
Passage 1 How to Deal With Difficult People In New York City one day, a businesswoman got into a taxi. Because it was rush hour and she was hurrying for a train, she suggested a route. I've been a cabby(车夫) for 15 years! the driver yell [查看全文]
When a person feels low, blue, or down in the clumps, it usually means he has been hurt, disappointed, or saddened by something that causes a confused and listless feeling. There is __11__ a type of music called the blue, a low, mournful, s [查看全文]
Passage 1 The School Years Soon after the United States was founded, Thomas Jefferson, who was President from 1801 to 1809 wrote, If a nation expects to be ignorant and free in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never wi [查看全文]
Passage 2 Most of us trade money for entertainment. Movies, concerts and shows are enjoyable but __11__ .If you think that you can't have a good time without spending a lot of money, read on. A little resourcefulness and a few minutes of ne [查看全文]
Who Knows Since no one knows what scientific discoveries will be made between now and the year A. D. 2000, each of us can make his own predictions. Our prophecies (预言) need not be completely wild guesses. We know science has moved forwa [查看全文]
Passage 2 Student expeditions do a great deal of good work on the Arctic islands but from time to time cause trouble in the huts, probably because students are not familiar with the __11__ of the little wooden huts dotted all over the islan [查看全文]
Passage 1 The Man on the Street and the Men on the Moon Does walking on the moon make life better for people on earth? Considering all the problems of our own world, why should we be spending huge sums on trips to outer space? Such question [查看全文]
Passage 2 Many people often enjoy eating out either before or after a visit to the theatre. However, most of us would rather keep the two __11__ separate. One man who thinks that they can be successfully combined has not only expressed his [查看全文]
Passage 1 The Look Younger Diet Is the Fountain of Youth a myth? Not entirely, many experts in nutrition now believe, Age fast, or age slowit's up to you. declares Dr. Kenneth Cooper, president and founder of the Aerobics Center in Dallas. [查看全文]