14 希望消失了吗?原 文:For these people, hope dies slowly.原 译:对这些人,希望就这样慢慢地消失了。辨 析:slow固然有“慢... [查看全文]
13 “美国农村”还是“农村美国”?原 文:Most of the protesters were student radicals.原 译:大多数抗议者是学生中的激进分... [查看全文]
12 “没有意见”和“没有看法”原 文:I have no opinion of that young man.原译1:我对那个青年人没有看法。原译2:我不了解那... [查看全文]
11 该咳多少?原 文:Don't cough more than you can help.原 译:不要比你能够忍耐的咳得更多。辨 析:原译有很重的“翻译腔”... [查看全文]
10 谁告诉谁什么?原 文:You are telling me.原 译:你正在告诉我。辨 析:英语原文是一句很普通的句子,口语中常用,但译文意思不... [查看全文]
9 谎言怎么“给”法?原 文:They gave the boy the lie.原译1:他们把谎言给了这个男孩。原译2:他们对那个男孩说谎。辨 析:原译... [查看全文]
8 day一定是“一天”吗?原 文:At the end of the day, it's his responsibility, and there's nothing you can do.原 ... [查看全文]
7 “正在来”到底表达什么意思?原 文:He is coming.原 译:他正在来。辨 析:汉语动词和英语不一样,没有时态等形式变化,只能通过... [查看全文]
6 理想的好父亲原 文:It's a good father that knows his son.原译1:知道自己儿子的父亲是好父亲。原译2:知子莫如父。辨 析:... [查看全文]
5 是“睡得晚”还是“起得晚”?原 文:Many people sleep late at weekends.原 译:周末许多人睡得很晚。辨 析:此译错在没有弄... [查看全文]