54 是“走运”还是“倒霉”?原 文:As luck would have it he was caught by the teacher again.原 译:正如幸运所有的那样... [查看全文]
53 黑和白原 文:You look darker after the holiday.原 译:度完假你看上去黑多了。辨 析:dark译成“黑”似乎天经地义,没有什... [查看全文]
52 是因为爱而不嫁吗?原 文:There is a definite link between smoking and lung cancer. But this doesn't make you c... [查看全文]
51 是什么手术?原 文:A surgeon made a cut in the patient's stomach.原 译:外科医生在病人的胃部施行了切除手术。辨 析:... [查看全文]
50 和尚死了没有?原 文:The monk is only not a dead man.原 译:这和尚只不过不是个死人。辨 析:原译实在叫人弄不清是什么... [查看全文]
49 对什么没有表态?原 文:He explained his silence by his absence at the battlefield.原 译:他说,他所以那时没有表态是... [查看全文]
48 谁相信谁?原 文:The senator says he believes in God and in His free worship.原 译:这位参议员说他相信上帝,相信... [查看全文]
47 到底证明了什么?原 文:The long exhausting trip proved too much.原 译:这次旷日持久的疲劳旅行证明了许多东西。辨 析:... [查看全文]
46 是在学还是已学到了?原 文:Live and learn.原 译:活到老,学到老。辨 析:不少英汉词典提供这样的译文,不少学生则认为这是“... [查看全文]
45 能给多少钱?原 文:You cannot give him too much money.原 译:你不能给他太多的钱。辨 析:原译错在对too一词的理解上。像... [查看全文]