94 “放上”还是“放下”?原 文:He's putting you on.原 译:他在把你放上去。辨 析:学英语的人往往要花很多时间记单词、背单词... [查看全文]
93 魔鬼和狗是什么关系?原 文:It is a monster of a dog.原 译:它是一只狗的一个怪物。辨 析:首先,这个“它”字很别扭。英... [查看全文]
92 有人不会“用钱”吗?原 文:I could use some money.原译1:我能用一些钱。原译2:我会用钱。辨 析:原句很简单,原译1照原文亦... [查看全文]
91 “计算”和“算计”原 文:Calculation never made a hero.原 译:算计永远成不了英雄。辨 析:calculation的基本词义是“计算... [查看全文]
90 “迟”和“晚”哪个好?原 文:Better late than the late.原 译:迟到比晚到者好。辨 析:这是美国高速公路上的一条宣传安全的... [查看全文]
89 side和“腰”原 文:The village is on the side of the mountain.原 译:村庄在山边上。/ 村庄在山那边。/ 村庄在山脚下... [查看全文]
88 谁听不到谁?原 文:Traditionally, Italian presidents have been seen and not heard.原 译:就传统而言, 意大利的历届... [查看全文]
87 谈婚论嫁原 文:People all sympathized with her as she was married to a rich man and she loved a laborer on... [查看全文]
86 好不到哪里去原 文:Nonsense, I don't think his painting is any better than yours.原 译:胡说,我不认为他的画比你的... [查看全文]
85 如何起誓说“不”?原 文:I won't do it to save my life.原 译:为了自己的救命,我不会这样做。辨 析:动词不定式短语确... [查看全文]