104 英语里哪个词最长?原 文:Never is a long word.原 译:Never是一个很长的单词。辨 析:never一共只有5个字母,一点也不长,... [查看全文]
103 人能死两次吗?原 文:If my mother had known of it she'd have died a second time.原 译:要是我妈妈知道了,她会再... [查看全文]
102 橡胶会“让步”吗?原 文:Rubber easily gives way to pressure.原 译:橡胶很容易向压力让步。辨 析:原译“橡胶向压力让步... [查看全文]
101 工作几次?原 文: Work once and work twice.原 译: 一而再,再而三地干。辨 析: 原译完全是在猜,这是翻译的一大忌讳。... [查看全文]
100 挽救谁的生命?原 文:To save most lives from cancer, efforts should be concentrated to help people foster a h... [查看全文]
99 向假牙“坦白”什么?原 文:Men will confess to murder or arson, to false teeth or a wig, but will not own up... [查看全文]
98 他的专业是什么?原 文:His specialty is social science.原 译:他的专业是社会科学。辨 析:其实这一句翻译不能说错,现在许... [查看全文]
97 “第二个青春”原 文:My grandfather is nearly ninety and in his second childhood.原 译:我祖父快90岁了,迎来了他的... [查看全文]
96 到底去干什么?原 文:Smith has been assigned to the labor beat.原 译:史密斯被分配去处理劳工事务。辨 析:这一句的关... [查看全文]
95 你怎么知道别人不要做什么?原 文:You don't want to do that.原 译:你不想要那样做。辨 析:I don't want to do that... [查看全文]