134 荷兰人与英国人原 文:This time I was really Dutched.原 译:这一次我可是真的荷兰化了。辨 析:“荷兰化”大概是说生活方... [查看全文]
133 “洗掉尘土”?原 文:I'll leave the school tomorrow. I will shake the dust off my feet.原 译:我明天离开学校。... [查看全文]
132 过“斗鸡的日子”?原 文:He lived like a fighting cock.原译1:他过着斗鸡的日子。原译2:他过的日子像一只好斗的公鸡,到处... [查看全文]
131 哪里来的“烟雾弹”?原 文:Little of the mud thrown at Clinton over the Whitewater affair has stuck, so federa... [查看全文]
130 谁会少活十年?原 文:I'm afraid you worried ten years off his lifetime.原 译:恐怕你太担心了,他要少活十年。辨 析... [查看全文]
129 “带色”和“丰富多彩”原 文:A short agitated man urged him on with colorful phrases.原 译:一个激动的矮个儿男子用... [查看全文]
128 是谁野蛮?原 文:I could not believe my eyes, but it was all too brutally true.原 译:我不能相信我的眼睛,这一... [查看全文]
127 直接做了什么?原 文:Directly I had spoken it I knew I had made a mistake.原 译:我直接说了出来,我知道我犯了个... [查看全文]
126 “烧地”是什么意思?原 文:The shock brigade burned the earth and got to the appointed position in 30 minutes.... [查看全文]
125 “拖后腿”和“开玩笑”原 文:Obviously she is pulling his leg.原 译:她显然是在拖他的后腿。辨 析:这又是一个从字面出... [查看全文]