174 five deep是多深?原 文:People stood five deep in front of the store.原 译:人们站在那家商店前沉思。辨 析:这样的... [查看全文]
173 到底发生过没有?原 文:What hasn't happened in the past is a former FBI agent that is charged with colluding... [查看全文]
172 词义的方向性原 文:The result of the experiment suggested there might be another new particle which people hav... [查看全文]
171 并不可怕原 文:But that sounded so fearfully affected.原 译:这一声装的太可怕了。辨 析:这是当年徐志摩翻译的,可惜的... [查看全文]
170 一起猜?原 文:—How old do you think that woman is?—Your guess is as good as mine.原 译:——你看那个女人有... [查看全文]
169 品质能打补丁吗?原 文:It is much better to have a patched jacket than a character.原 译:有一件打补丁的上衣比有... [查看全文]
168 从一句话看英汉语的区别原 文:When the economy improves, the number of car accidents rises, as people are at wo... [查看全文]
167 有“没有意义的进步”吗?原 文:They have achieved significant progress.原 译:他们取得了有意义的进步。辨 析:不少人因... [查看全文]
166 read可以指书吗?原 文:That book is a great read.原译1:那(本书)是一本了不起的书。原译2:那(本书)是一本很好的读物。... [查看全文]
165 有多少人反对?原 文:Some people said it was a good idea, and others were against it.原 译:有些人说这是个好主... [查看全文]