154 隐含的让步原 文:For all the magnitude of his achievement, his fame is hardly that of Hillary.原 译:因为他成... [查看全文]
153 “人人”和“大家”的区别原 文:What is it everyone runs for? (Cameras aren't guns. They can't really hurt you.)... [查看全文]
152 hold out的多种意义原 文:The doctor held out much hope of his total recovery.原 译:医生对他的痊愈没有抱多大希望... [查看全文]
151 “外国人背后的逻辑”?原 文:The logic behind putting foreigners in charge holds that Japanese executives are mo... [查看全文]
150 什么时候化装?原 文:The model makes up her face before a job.原 译:模特儿上班之前进行面部化妆。辨 析:这一句的问... [查看全文]
149 英美人不说“吃醋”原 文:She spoke with a touch of vinegar.原 译:她说话带着一点醋意。辨 析:乍一看,原译一点不错,... [查看全文]
148 穿“旧军装”能“军容整齐”吗?原 文:He stood with military straightness in his old uniform.原 译:他军装虽旧,却军... [查看全文]
147 怎么个短法?原 文:Nancy wore a shorty dress to the party.原 译:南希穿了一条短裙子去参加聚会。辨 析:乍一看原译好... [查看全文]
146 到底“吹了”没有?原 文:Tom is now all over the new girl.原 译:汤姆和那个新来的女孩彻底吹了。辨 析:翻译需要特别... [查看全文]
145 谁是瞎子?原 文:Justice is blind.原 译:正义是盲目的。辨 析:译者没有搞清楚原句的意思,只好逐字照搬。原译逻辑显然不通。... [查看全文]