164 为什么要亮牙齿?原 文:She gave me a bright and amicable flash of her white teeth.原 译:她冲我灿烂而友好亮了一... [查看全文]
163 是感到“热”吗?原 文:Bill was getting hot under the collar.原 译:比尔觉得领子下面发热。辨 析:这样的翻译实在要不... [查看全文]
162 贝蒂为什么伤心?原 文:Betty felt sad that Tom was very short with her today.原 译:贝蒂感到很伤心,因为汤姆今天... [查看全文]
161 只要自己高兴就行原 文:Let Joe please himself.原 译:让乔自娱吧。辨 析:这样的译文意思不清楚,把原来的口语体译得文绉绉... [查看全文]
160 让谁为难?原 文: Don't be difficult.原译1: 不要困难。原译2: 不要制造困难。辨 析: 原译1显然不通,因为困难是形... [查看全文]
159 到底是什么时候?原 文:It was quite light and any moment the sun would rise.原 译:这很轻, 而且任何时候太阳都会... [查看全文]
158 before的意思不光是“在……之前”原 文:She gets in such a fuss before people come to dinner.原 译:在人们来吃饭之... [查看全文]
157 把头埋进什么?原 文:He dug his face deep in the warm curve of the pillow.原 译:他把脸深埋进温暖的枕头的曲线里... [查看全文]
156 something等于“某物”吗?原 文:Nobody could deny that Jeff had something about him.原 译:没有人能够否认杰夫有点那... [查看全文]
155 他们真的难为情吗?原 文:They were shy of the 50% of the vote they need.原 译:他们因为需要得到50%的选票而难为情... [查看全文]