34 开始做什么?原 文:You don't begin to understand what they mean.原 译:你没有开始知道他们的意思。辨 析:原译错在没有... [查看全文]
33 是“犯浑”吗?原 文:You don't know what you're talking about.原 译:你不知道自己在说什么。辨 析:许多时侯,翻译之难... [查看全文]
32 法官、父亲,和儿子原 文:He allowed the father to be overruled by the judge, and declared his own son guilty.... [查看全文]
31 “忧伤”的响声原 文:His sorrow was loud and long.原 译:他的忧伤又响又长。辨 析:原译显然辞不达意,叫人费解。原文中so... [查看全文]
30 “话”和“心情”原 文:You guys, understand me.原译1:伙计们,懂得我。原译2:诸位,(请)理解我吧。辨 析:原译1令人费解,... [查看全文]
29 懂得什么?原 文:Most people are understanding. They will surely excuse you.原 译:大多数人都是懂得的。他们肯定会原... [查看全文]
28 他“野”吗?原 文:He had a wild look on his face.原 译:他脸上有一种很“野”的表情。辨 析:原译反映了在初学者中一个... [查看全文]
27 “天气”会“打人”吗?原 文:The constant changing weather there really beats me.原 译:不断变化的天气真的打败了我。... [查看全文]
26 “行走的骷髅”是什么?原 文:He is a walking skeleton.原 译:他是行尸走肉。辨 析:skeleton的原意为“骷髅”,所以原译者... [查看全文]
25 “问题”能打败吗?原 文:When there is anything wrong, he'll just beat it.原 译:出什么问题时, 他便战胜它。辨 析... [查看全文]