女性朋友们经常发现,新买的胸罩刚开始穿着都挺舒服的,可是穿着穿着就感觉没那么舒服了,原来是胸罩变形了。买好的胸罩固然重要,但是,也... [查看全文]
最近,一位摄影师在Ins账户中分享了一位尼日利亚5岁小美女的照片,引来网友一片赞叹,称小女孩美得令人倾倒。大家称赞她是世界上最美丽的女... [查看全文]
For many families living in modern China, food is no longer one of the biggest concerns when it comes to drawi... [查看全文]
The physical absence was the first thing I noticed, says Katie Reid, 29, who gave up her iPhone in February fo... [查看全文]
The Queen is said to be absolutely fuming after false rumours of Prince Philip's death flooded Twitter on Fr... [查看全文]
Burberry, the upmarket British fashion label, destroyed unsold clothes, accessories and perfume worth GBP 28.6m pou... [查看全文]
如果要在活人身上登广告,你会选择哪个身体部位?一般人会回答脸或胳膊、大腿,但是一家日本公司的回答是:腋窝。年轻貌美的女模特会把广告... [查看全文]
从西伯利亚到非洲再到北美,今年夏季,全球的天气都异常火爆。在日本,7月24日公布的官方数据显示,困扰了日本两个星期的热浪已造成至少80... [查看全文]
In 2013, Michael and Debbie Campbell were a married couple living in Seattle and approaching retirement with fina... [查看全文]
自从老爸特朗普当选美国总统后,伊万卡的服装生意就陷入低谷,频频传出业绩下滑的消息但均被否认。在担任白宫高级顾问一年多后,伊万卡终于... [查看全文]