During intense exercise -- sprinting, for example -- your body breaks down glucose and produces what's called... [查看全文]
Participating in high-intensity exercise can help teenagers drive down blood pressure, which may lead to a lower ... [查看全文]
McDonald's, Burger King, Jack in the Box... These fast food companies have something in common. Can you spot... [查看全文]
Model Mara Martin turned heads at the Sports Illustrated swimsuit fashion show last Sunday.上周日,模特玛拉·马丁在《... [查看全文]
You may not know it by reading the caustic remarks they post under videos, but YouTube commenters area happy bu... [查看全文]
1. You can't share clothes unless you're keen on a very tight wardrobe.你们不能换着穿衣服,除非你对紧身衣特别... [查看全文]
Burberry destroyed £28.6 m of clothing and cosmetics last year as part of efforts to protect its upmarket brand... [查看全文]
Crocs might just be the indestructible cockroaches of the fashion industry.Crocs洞洞鞋可能是时尚界打不倒的小强。They&rsq... [查看全文]
卫生间的洗漱架是个私密之处,但如今千禧一代的妹子们掀起了洗漱架化妆品晒照风潮。她们晒出的化妆品或流行或小众,但这些琳琅满目的产品摆... [查看全文]
A heartwarming photograph of the Duchess ofCambridge cradling Prince Louis after his christeningwas released by Ken... [查看全文]