Bedtime reading with a tablet or smartphone can interfere with a good night’s sleep, some studies and many... [查看全文]
At first you think, no contest. Surely not even tomato’s botanical status as a fruit could disqualify it f... [查看全文]
很多人都认为独居的老人最孤独,但是研究人员发现,最孤独的其实是青少年和青年,而且这部分人群患上孤独相关疾病的风险更高。商业内幕网截... [查看全文]
More pet owners are willing to bury their pets in pet cemeteries despite the high cost, the news website cyol.c... [查看全文]
An egg a day keeps the doctor away, according to a new study out of China.据中国的一项新研究显示,每天吃一个鸡蛋会... [查看全文]
Ask just about any kid you know where to find the happiest place on Earth, and they'll point you to Walt ... [查看全文]
关于番茄是水果还是蔬菜的争论由来已久。早在一百多年前的美国,就有人将这个问题闹上了法庭。两派各执一词,煞是热闹。那么番茄究竟是水果... [查看全文]
Sun-soaking season is here, and that means if you don't lather up with sunscreen, you could be doing serious... [查看全文]
科学家在维也纳欧洲肥胖大会上公布的最新报告指出,全球范围内肥胖症患者的比例正在急速上升,预计2045年将增加到22%。这意味着,全球约1/4... [查看全文]
看过宫崎骏动画《龙猫》的人一定对故事中那只身材庞大的萌物、姐妹两人、煤球精和猫巴士印象深刻。很快,我们将可以在世界第一家龙猫主题餐... [查看全文]