通过辐射辨别猫咪毛色的门洞开口、会遛狗分发食物的无人机……这些令人脑洞大开的宠物高科技是欧洲一家商标代理事务所收到的宠物相关专利技... [查看全文]
TOKYO — How much does an artist owe his muse?东京——一个艺术家应该给他的缪斯多少回报?Last month a model who posed... [查看全文]
Tokyo isn’t typically a destination for budget travelers, according to Jonathan Alder, a travel agent and To... [查看全文]
Small amounts of exercise could have an outsize effect on happiness.少量运动可能会造成极大幸福感。According to a new... [查看全文]
The most uncomfortable thing about being naked in a museum, it turns out, is the temperature. A half-hour into ... [查看全文]
吃水果好处多多,不仅有益健康,而且还能让皮肤变好,尽管如此,总有人不爱吃水果。近日研究发现,如果你想顺利怀孕,最好多吃水果,哪怕你... [查看全文]
我们身边总有些社交达人,无论和谁都能迅速热络攀谈,他们深谙人际交往之道,三言两语便可讨得对方欢心。要想和他们一样人见人爱,其实也不... [查看全文]
Back in the 1980s, the term "metabolically healthy obesity" began popping up in medical circles. It referred to ... [查看全文]
感冒了,熬上一碗浓浓的鸡汤,喝干一杯甜到齁嗓子的蜂蜜水,再吃几片维生素C。炒菜时还不忘剥上几瓣大蒜丢进锅里……咦,吃完怎么还没好呢?... [查看全文]
Before eating many fruits and some vegetables, some people — bad, or perhaps ignorant people — do something wh... [查看全文]