●Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.... [查看全文]
考考自己,看看下面的这个fashion quiz吧。1: Which of the following prepositions means that something is fashionable?a. ... [查看全文]
Step 1 Wash your skin1.清洁皮肤Wash your skin with a gentle cleanser. Wash your face before going to bed and in... [查看全文]
英国开始流行人皮穿孔紧身衣Forget tattoos, belly button piercings and Lady Gaga-style silicone implants - the latest c... [查看全文]
有一位美眉说,每次看到包包的英文介绍,总是叫什么tote, hobo, satchel,他们分别是指什么款式呢?还是包包的名字?受这位美眉的启发,我们... [查看全文]
Do You Like TOMS?你喜欢TOMS鞋吗?I’m sure you’ve seen them: They’re a curious hybrid of the boat s... [查看全文]
导读:2012年4月,随着电视剧《后宫甄嬛传》的热播,观众们在看电视剧的过程中,被里面古色古香的台词所 倾倒,剧中人物对话文艺调十足,... [查看全文]
随着电视剧《AA制生活》的热播,AA制已经越来越被广大的群众所接收,下面让我们来看看大学里的人们又是怎样来对待AA制的吧!After a seem... [查看全文]
英文谜向来少见,可能是因为中国的谜人大都没学习英文,在新加坡,英文谜主要是作为吸引华文程度较低但懂得双语的年轻... [查看全文]
春节大假后的上班,相信很多人都还沉浸在节后的各种疲惫中无法恢复状态吧?别担心,你不是一个人。现在跟新动态英语(论坛)一起看看如何摆脱... [查看全文]