Modern men prefer a woman to have more merits than just being gentle and having good manners. The ideal woman should also be well-educated, funny, psychologically and financially independent, for example. However, the question is how many men deserve [查看全文]
Case for iPad iPad保护套 Is he an early adopter? Has he already besmirched the screen of an iPad with his mucky paws? Then it`s time to buy him this beautiful faux-leather-and-bamboo case. It even folds over the back so he can use it as a stand. 你老爸很潮吗?iPad的 [查看全文]
1. Consider Your Water 根据不同的水质,选择不同的洗面奶。 And tailor your skin-care products accordingly. Soft water doesnt remove soap well, so it can leave a residue on your skin, says Susan H. Weinkle, an assistant clinical profess [查看全文]
1.了解自己的个性 Know what constitutes strength in character. Strength in character are the qualities that allow its possessor to exercise control over his instincts and passions, to master himself, and to resist the myriad temptations that constantly confront u [查看全文]
The Wikipedia Hole 上维基百科 Ever go look up something on Wikipedia, something totally innocuous like Elizabeth Taylor, and it kicks off an awful journey that leaves you bleary-eyed and blubbering three hours later? It's so easy. From Elizabeth Taylor, you cl [查看全文]
Woman who havent fallen in love beforegraduation 大学毕业前还没谈过恋爱的女人 Here love refers to interaction more than three months ratherthan a very short period of the lightning romance. Also it doesntmean a single party Love. Because there is no love experience, th [查看全文]
近来谢霆锋和张柏芝的离婚传闻搞得沸沸扬扬,很多人感叹演艺圈没童话。其实演艺圈也有长情的夫妻,我们一起来看看他们婚姻长久的秘诀吧! 13 Years Will SmithJada Pinkett Smith - December 31, 1997 [查看全文]
While you are congratulating some new college graduates, here are some examples of what you should not say to them. 当你向一些刚刚走出校门的毕业生表示祝贺的时候,以下这些话最好不要对他说。 'What can you do with that [查看全文]
1. Happy people cooperate with life. 快乐的人顺应生活。 Each person has a destiny to fulfill. You can fight it or cooperate with it. Does that mean you just lay back and let life happen? No. But you can adopt the attitude that you will play t [查看全文]
小编语:交流这种事情其实最纠结了,总是有人嘴上说着一套,心里想着一套。怪不得很多单身人士都抱怨说不知道约会对象到底在想什么。不过其实只要摸清了一些非语言表达方式的含义,那么看清对方的心思也没那么难。下面是从一些单身人士约会资料里总结出来的,希望对广大的相亲人士有所帮助。 1. Eye contact 四目相对型 When you are sitting and talking with your date, do you notice [查看全文]