小编语:马上就要到夏天了,天气也开始热起来,试想热的满头大汗的时候能吃到一口清凉透心的果冻,该是多么的惬意啊!管它外面骄阳似火,整个世界瞬间也变得清凉无比!下面就让小编教你DIY一款超赞超好吃的橙子果冻吧! Ingredients: 3 large oranges3个大橙子1 large box of Orange Jello一大盒果冻粉1 cup orange vodka一杯橙味伏特加1 cup boiling water一杯热水1/2 cup ice cold water半杯冰水1/2 cu [查看全文]
小编语:这周日(5月8日)就是母亲节了,你是不是发现很多礼物以前都已经买过了?而买太贵重的礼物又担心母亲会唠叨?不妨看看下面这9个省钱而又独特的礼物吧! Mother's day is around the corner and I hope you are not leaving the gift shopping for the last minute. Finding the right gift for mother's day is not always an easy task. We oft [查看全文]
1. Lack of sleep. Too little sleep has proven to be detrimental for your health. Research links it to high blood pressure, diabetes, weight gain, and looking tired and older. 睡眠不足。研究显示,睡眠不足危害身体健康,可能导致高血压、糖尿病、肥胖,而且会让你看起来疲惫、显老。 2. A soft spot for sweets. A [查看全文]
1、 Anti-Terrorist Truck 反恐车 Problem: Terrorists can pop up at any time, leaving local authorities totally defenseless against their raging attacks. 问题:恐怖分子随时都可能跳出来,把地方当局打个落花流水。 Solution: When terrorists walk past this non-descript truck parked quietly on [查看全文]
That rabbits like to hop is hardly a secret. But now European rabbit enthusiasts have harnessed their bunnies' natural talents to create a new spectator sport... rabbit showjumping. Invented in Sweden in the early Eighties, Kaninhop involves bunnies bounc [查看全文]
Eggs 78 calories each An egg's not only a nutritional powerhouse, it's also loaded with protein that satisfies. Eat eggs for breakfast; they'll curb your appetite enough that you'll have about 330 calories less than usual throughout the rest of the day. 鸡 [查看全文]
A recent BBC poll of 2,000 women across the UK shows the public thinks Kate is a bigger fashion icon than Lady Gaga and Cheryl Cole, and another poll conducted by YouGov among 1,000 people 18 and older shows 86 percent of women don't envy Kate Middleton, [查看全文]
Have Fun A happy person is a beautiful person. Set aside time for enjoyment and leisure. In today's fast-paced culture, this seemingly obvious tip is often forgotten. From a scientific perspective, it is proven by scientists that stress causes breakouts, [查看全文]
You have heard of beauty nap but have you heard of beauty foods? Beauty foods are those that actually help you to stay fit and fine, and be the eye candy. In case you are wondering which food items to go for, here is a list that will help you. 你听说过美容觉,但是听 [查看全文]
How Often To Use a Facial Mask 多长时间使用一次面膜? Some beauty advisors recommend using a facial mask at least three times a month. I have always used one about once a week. After all week of using make up day in and day out a [查看全文]