1.Remove your old polish.Use nail-polish removerpreferably one without acetone, which is harsh and drying to nails and skinto eliminate all traces of old polish. 步骤一:用洗甲水把原先的指甲油擦掉。(最好使用不含丙酮 [查看全文]
So if you can't get away from your desk, and you want to squeeze a quick workout, this is great Chair Workout that you can do in your office. All right, let's start with it. Try and do. 如果你不能离开办公桌,但又想挤出点时间 [查看全文]
小编语:日本3月11日发生特大地震引发海啸。电视画面显示,海啸迅速吞没了农田和房屋,汽车和船只被海啸席卷着撞上建筑物,造成了极大的人员伤亡和财产损失。让我们在哀悼灾难 [查看全文]
Myth No. 1: Don't Eat After 8 p.m. 误区一:晚上八点以后不能吃东西。 The reality: Calories can't tell time. Your body digests and uses calories the same way morning, noon, and night. 真相:卡路里并不知道时间。所以 [查看全文]
Broccoli椰菜 Helps fight: breast, liver, lung, prostate, skin, stomach, and bladder cancers 辅助治疗:乳,肝,肺,前列腺,皮肤,胃和膀胱癌。 副标题 Berries浆果 Helps fight: colon, esophageal, oral, and s [查看全文]
小编语:求职时,最沮丧的事莫过于面试被刷。而面试的成败与否,并不完全取决于你的实力,一些细节的表现也很重要。下面就跟小编一起来看看面试时要注意哪些细节吧。 1. Eye c [查看全文]
你知道多少的时尚词汇?考考自己,看看下面的这个fashion quiz吧。 1: Which of the following prepositions means that something is fashionable? a.up b.down c.in d.out 答案是: c . in,in 在英语里往往代表时尚 [查看全文]
1. Answer the question, Why am I going to college? 回答问题:我为什么要上大学? Many college students really don't have a clear reason for being there other than the fact that they don't know what else to do yet. They inherit [查看全文]
Don't bring the kids.不要带着孩子逛街,因为父母总会为孩子买些不适用的东西。 You wouldn't believe (or maybe you parents would) how much more junk parents buy for their kids that is completely impulsive. Working as [查看全文]
Order up some mint or chamomile. 喝薄荷茶或者洋甘菊茶 A steaming cup of one of these teas will quickly dispel that dyspeptic feeling. Simply use one of either kind of tea bag to a cup of water. Cover and steep for ten minutes befo [查看全文]