导读:有人说,互联网的普及让人更方便自恋。这话不假 拿起身边的手机、相机、摄像头,每个人都可以将自己的自拍(self portrait)照发到网上及时和好友分享。那么,如何打造明星般超 [查看全文]
1.Soap is Bad for Your Skin. 香皂对皮肤有害。 Traditionally, soap was a mix of animal fats and fruit or vegetable oils. This combination has a higb PH and is drying to skin, particularly to aging skin. These days, however, soaps are [查看全文]
Palazzo Versace, Queensland, Australia With its grand columns, ornate ceilings, Italian mosaics and a dazzling 750kg chandelier in the lobby, stepping into the 205-room Palazzo Versace by Donatella Versace is like entering a Renaissance pal [查看全文]
Imagine the outfit you sleep in. Now imagine wearing it to work. 先想象一下你睡觉时穿的是?现在再想象,你穿着它去工作。 This spring, if fashion houses have their way, we'll all be wearing slouchy jersey jogging bo [查看全文]
High-Waist High-waisted shorts were also popular last Summer, but are much easier to find this Summer. Wear this trouser style pair with a ruffled top and heels. Depending on the length, these can be appropriate for the office. 高腰短裤 [查看全文]
1. Dont Starve Yourself 别饿着自己 Research does show you can lose unwanted weight by starving yourself. The problem is that up to 50% of that weight loss comes from muscle tissue, not from fat. And that sets you up for pure disaster. 研 [查看全文]
A woman takes part in a contest for the best sling to carry child called Slingomama 2010 in southern Russian city of Stavropol July 18, 2010. [查看全文]
Vibrant Platform Stilettos动感厚底细高跟 1 Chic Jeweled Wedges时尚坡跟鞋 2 Shimmery Gold Sandals金色凉鞋 3 White-Hot Platform Clogs木跟厚底鞋 4 Chic Jeweled Flats时尚平底鞋 5 Metallic [查看全文]
1.彩色心情 Vibrant Platform Stilettos 动感厚底细高跟 [page] 2.端庄典雅 Chic Jeweled Wedges 时尚坡跟鞋 [page] 3.无敌OL风 Shimmery Gold Sandals 金色凉鞋 [pa... [查看全文]
West Side Story, 1961 《西区故事》(1961 年) Natalie Wood plays an impoverished Puerto Rican on the wrong side of town, but still get... [查看全文]