Katie Holmes (Square) For someone with an angular jaw like Katie Holmes, Softness is key. A rounder brow arch is needed to soften the c... [查看全文]
近期上映的动作喜剧《危情谍战》充满了动作戏和忍俊不禁的搞笑戏份,阿汤哥和卡梅隆虽说岁月不饶人,但身手依旧敏捷。 看过这部电影的女孩子一定会留意到女主角随身背的... [查看全文]
On July 8, models presented creations by various designers in a subway train in Berlin, Germany. The “Underground Catwalk”fashion show is f... [查看全文]
Should you apply primer on top of freshly cleansed skin or on top of moisturiser? 应该先涂隔离霜还是在保湿霜上面再涂隔离霜? Primer is... [查看全文]
These days, Ann Fitzpatrick, director of the personal-shopping team at the Saks Fifth Avenue store in Beverly Hills, cleans out her closet w... [查看全文]
大部分的女孩都或多或少对自己的体形不满意:或是觉得腰不够细,或是抱怨腿太粗,而现在我们来和你分享学院派的“显瘦穿衣法”!简单实用并且安全无副作用,一学就会哦! Ste... [查看全文]
烈日炎炎,所有能带来凉意的地方都挤满了人。海滩上晒日光浴的人不知道是不是也这么多。随着生活节奏的加快,人们对健康生活的追求也越来越急切。我们今天说的“森林浴”... [查看全文]
People playing computer games to train their brains might as well be playing Super Mario, a new research suggests. In a six-week study,... [查看全文]
Not everyone is complaining about the heatwave-some are loving it, especially those who are making money. 并不是每个人都在抱怨酷暑-有些人偏偏喜... [查看全文]
Gossip Girl's sexy stars sure make the rounds - and know how to mix things up on the red carpet. Below, we take a look at some of the... [查看全文]