High-Waist 高腰短裤 高腰短裤 High-waisted shorts were also popular last Summer, but are much easier to find this Summer. Wear this trouse... [查看全文]
编辑点评:化妆可是一门细活,熟练工可能也要花上半个小时,何况是初学者呢?这里有一些基本的化妆技巧,是由曾为英国达人和X Factor选秀选手化妆的职业彩妆师介绍的哦。 S... [查看全文]
1. Shop around and do your research. If you are interested in buying gold, sterling, or even brass, understand each metal and the co... [查看全文]
在当今的白领圈中,有这样一个群体:她们时尚、漂亮、会打扮、善梳妆,尤其善于把有限的金钱投入到无限的美丽之中去。你时常能在商场的试衣间看到她们的身影,但很少... [查看全文]
High-Waist High-waisted shorts were also popular last Summer, but are much easier to find this Summer. Wear this trouser style p... [查看全文]
How to Be Classically Beautiful Classic beauty is all about understatement. In ancient times, the idea of classical beauty stemmed from the G... [查看全文]
How to Look Beautiful Looking beautiful today is something that many women have to do. Unfortunately when they try and look beautiful, the... [查看全文]
Red Hot Look Many women shy away from wearing the color red because they believe that red is a color that is hard to pull off. Nothing ... [查看全文]
There is only one useful indicator of a man's self-image: his wristwatch. Once that jacket sleeve creeps up, the sole piece of accep... [查看全文]
Low Ponytail Slick back unruly hair with a pomade and gather it at the nape using two elastics for support. Then divide the ... [查看全文]