How to transform your hoodie into a computer sleeve 怎样把你的连帽上衣改装成便携式电脑包 1.Flat your hoodie on a table and place your PC on ... [查看全文]
Do you want to have a different look? Are you thinking of a casual jeans and shirt? 你想穿得与众不同吗?有没有想过穿一条休闲牛仔裤搭配一个T恤? H... [查看全文]
Dinosaurs were most likely killed off because they never got a good night's sleep, scientists have claimed. 科学家们宣称,恐龙灭绝的原因很可能是它... [查看全文]
1. Never wear white after labor day. 上班的时候不能穿白色 。 编者按:这个误区很多人都信以为真,几乎每个人都听过,而且很多人都相信这是对的... [查看全文]
编辑点评:时尚界的一切似乎都是常人所无法理解的,那些稀奇古怪的名词,诡异的颜色搭配,看不懂的前卫设计,永远让我们这些局外人心生敬畏。不过,偶尔学学他们的术语,还能... [查看全文]
编辑点评:时尚现在已经成为每个人生活的必备词汇了,那么在英语中哪些词是真正的“fashion”呢,做完这六道题你就可以成为通晓时尚英语的达人了。 你知道多少的时尚词汇?考考... [查看全文]
Step 1 Use a small magnifying mirror for applying makeup. Begin with a freshly cleaned face and neck. Apply a light moisturizer with an SP... [查看全文]
As you guys all know by now, clogs are a huge trend for 2010. And if worn right, I think the look can be very appealing. Chanel’s... [查看全文]
Here are simple fashion tips to make life easier for the working moms: Separates. The working mom should not limit the contents of her w... [查看全文]
第一页:比约克 第二页:安吉丽娜-朱莉 ... [查看全文]