?I'm just browsing.我只是随便看看。?Do you have this in a bigger / smaller size?有大一码、小一码的吗??Can I try ... [查看全文]
就餐前?Do you have any seats outside / by the window, please?请问有室外、靠窗的桌子吗??Do you have a smoking area?... [查看全文]
?Excuse me, please. I am looking for the museum / gallery / park / river /shopping mall / city centre.打扰一下... [查看全文]
?I have a reservation for [name].我用(……的名字)预订了房间。? I have no reservation. Do you have a single / twin... [查看全文]
你可能会听到的英语:?How many luggages are you checking in?有多少件托运行李??Do you have a carry-on?有手提行李没??Can y... [查看全文]
Business Hours 营业时间Office Hours 办公时间Entrance 入口Exit 出口Push 推Pull 拉Shut 此路不通On 打开 ( 放)Off 关Open... [查看全文]
紧急情况用语I’ve lost my passport.我的护照丢拉Where is Chinese Embassy?中国大使馆在哪?Could you call for a Chinese speaking staff?能找个中文员工给我吗? [查看全文]
基本语篇谢谢!-- Thank you.多谢!-- Thanks a lot.对不起,麻烦你。-- Excuse me.抱歉。-- Excuse the mess.需要帮忙吗?--Can I... [查看全文]
很高兴认识你。-- It was a pleasure meeting you.很高兴见到你。-- Pleased to meet you.希望再见到你。-- Hope to see you... [查看全文]
方向:East 东South 南West 西North 北Left 左Right 右Straight on 往 前 直 去There 那 儿Front 前 方Back 后 方Side ... [查看全文]