The opening sentence of our pitch1 is our most important. And too many of us are getting it wrong.自我推銷的开场... [查看全文]
She said that space has never changed its environment or lowered its threshold because... [查看全文]
1. Choose a major solely based on money1. 盲目追求高收入专业The mistake happens when you're choosing a major s... [查看全文]
1.Remember These Four Words记住这四个词Be positive, principled, pro-active, and productive.乐观,讲原则,主动,高效2.Disco... [查看全文]
We're all familiar with the feeling that the emails we sent must have been sucked into some black hole beca... [查看全文]
1.Negotiate in person1.面谈加薪事宜Studies that have shown that you are six times more likely to achieve your goal... [查看全文]
In our modern world, everyone is looking to do things faster, better, smarter, so it's no wonder that produc... [查看全文]
I just graduated and my job offer has fallen through — now what?我刚毕业,我的工作邀请落空了——现在该怎么办?I am a... [查看全文]
Job satisfaction is important for living a (relatively) stress free life as we spend most of our time at workpl... [查看全文]
There are several types of difficult people at work; a difficult coworker can be the slow one, or the overly p... [查看全文]