E-mail范例:出差同意确认背景说明 Amy和Steve计划到中国,目的是检察中国的支行下半年的产品及营销计划。于是Amy发了一封正式的E-mail,询... [查看全文]
E-mail范例:同事离职祝福及如何回复背景说明 Bob收到Andrew的离职通知,回E-mail给Andrew并祝福他,Andrew收到Bob的祝福信后,也礼貌性地... [查看全文]
E-mail范例:开会前通知背景说明 Bill是新加坡总部营销部门的主管,他预计到中国来和同事们开会,为了让会议进行得更顺利,他发了封E-mail... [查看全文]
E-mail范例:安排电话会议背景说明 Roger想和Kate安排个电话会议,帮助她了解正在审阅的合同内容。Dear Kate,Understood that you are... [查看全文]
● I hope you will find our experience useful, just as we find them insightful in helping us create a bestfit... [查看全文]
● Additional input is welcome.欢迎补充意见。● I look forward to your response.我期待你的回复。● I would be gratef... [查看全文]
● Sorry for the typo. The meeting will be at 3 p.m. tomorrow, June 21st.抱歉打错字了。会议时间是在6月21日,明天下午... [查看全文]
● Thank you for advising us on the proposed event, which we think is a good gesture for the sales staff to ... [查看全文]
● We must ensure full compliance.我们必须确认完全遵守法令。● Please investigate and advise.请研究并建议。● I am cop... [查看全文]
● It's our pleasure to partner with your teams in achieving your Wealth Management business goals in China!... [查看全文]