● Let's get a drink!我们去喝一杯吧!● What time do you get off work?你什么时候下班?● When are we going out... [查看全文]
● You deserve it.你应得的。● That's very impressive.令人印象深刻。● Wow! That was so classy.哇!那真是高级。● ... [查看全文]
● How (are) you doing today?今天好吗?* 英文口语中,are经常会被省略。● How's it going?怎么样?● How did it go... [查看全文]
● Good seeing you.很高兴见到你。● It was a pleasure meeting you.很荣幸与你见面。● It's very nice to meet you... [查看全文]
正值求职高峰期,如何在激烈竞争中脱颖而出,顺利通过面试,这是每位求职者都想知道的。澳洲求职网站Seek基于3000多场求职面试总结出了五个... [查看全文]
Why Is Germany So Successful in Spite of Least Working Hours?德国人工作时间那么短,为什么还能这么成功?获得161好评的回答@... [查看全文]
Tencent Holdings Ltd is putting about 10 percent of its managers on notice, as China’s largest gaming and ... [查看全文]
Trump is already massively outspending Dems on Facebook and Google ads特朗普斥巨资在脸书和谷歌上做竞选广告President Tru... [查看全文]
We all have days, or even weeks, on the job whenour productivity declines. But if your output hasbeen steadily ... [查看全文]
托两位瑞典艺术家的福,你将有机会一辈子不用工作还能领到一份体面的薪水。除了每天去火车站打卡签到,你真的什么也不用做,而且年度加薪、... [查看全文]