When you’re juggling a lot of different work-related commitments, delegating tasks can be a key component in... [查看全文]
近日发布的《2018职场人通勤调查》显示,北京平均通勤半径16.79公里,上海平均单程通勤时长59.56分钟。职场人士利用这段时间来处理工作电邮... [查看全文]
I swear to God, my life is a movie.我对天发誓,我的人生是一场电影。It's a movie.绝对是。I know corny dudes are ... [查看全文]
1. Flight attendant1. 空乘人员Not only will they pay you to travel the world, but you will also earn enough mon... [查看全文]
1. Don't forget to sleep1. 别忘了睡觉Sleep is going to be the best way of your body renewal. Adequate sleep... [查看全文]
被多份offer砸中当然是件开心的事情,但是如何选择却让人犯难。在权衡利弊时,不妨考虑一下这8个因素,也许能帮你下定决心,选出最适合你的... [查看全文]
When Joe Barton, a Republican congressman from Texas, greeted Jack Dorsey at a congressional hearing last week, h... [查看全文]
说到学术成就,大家马上会想到牛津、剑桥或哈佛,但是论及毕业生在就业市场上的竞争力,全世界最好的大学却是麻省理工学院,中国的清华大学... [查看全文]
1.I have 'Daddy-oke' with my kids. Craig Dubitsky, Hello Products1. Hello Products的Craig Dubitsky:我和孩子们... [查看全文]
Full-time employment in this country rests, at least theoretically, on an unspoken but well-understood deal. You w... [查看全文]