Carl Jensen experienced what he calls the awakening sometime around 2012.2012年左右,卡尔·詹森(Carl Jensen)经历了他所... [查看全文]
2008年的金融危机给世界经济带来了深远影响,甚至在十年之后,还在左右着美国大学生对于专业的选择。如今,因为害怕失业,大学生们倾向于选... [查看全文]
Commuters are so regularly using travel time for work emails that their journeys should be counted as part of t... [查看全文]
一两块小小的饼干看似不起眼,但却可能引发同事的反感,比如,你经常在办公桌用饼干蘸着茶水吃,顺手打开同事的饼干就吃,甚至还在别人桌子... [查看全文]
虽然现代社会注重个性美,但职场的穿衣打扮还是有一些规矩。什么样式的着装更适合你的工作领域和身份?挑选哪些颜色更适合你?伦敦时装心理学... [查看全文]
Is getting a promotion always a good thing?职位晋升一定是一件好事吗?It may not be that simple as you think.事情可能... [查看全文]
凯西·科兹科夫(Cassie Kozyrkov)是谷歌首位首席决策官(CDO: Chief Decision Officier)。她已经培训了17000名谷歌员工通过结合心理学、... [查看全文]
1. "Does this shirt go with these pants?"1."衬衫和裤子搭吗?"If you've made it this far in life and you're... [查看全文]
For decades, many developers and architects worked to ensure that their buildings were kind to the planet. Now, ... [查看全文]
许多刚刚走上工作岗位的毕业生最近都拿到了人生第一笔工资。人生第一笔工资对每个人来说都拥有特别的意义,无论钱多钱少,至少你终于可以自... [查看全文]