在以前,英语是一门高端技能。但是,现在已经不一样了,全中国的人都在学英语,合格的英语已经成了标配。如果要进一步体现自己的职场竞争力... [查看全文]
前不久,哈佛大学对2021届新生进行了一个背景调查,调查包括学术、生活及家庭情况。超过一半新生参与了调查。结果发布在The Harvard Crim... [查看全文]
面试着装除了整洁得体,颜色也很重要。你选择的颜色和你所应聘的岗位匹配吗?穿什么颜色最能加分呢?来听听阅人无数的人事经理们怎么说。What... [查看全文]
放眼全球职场,谈到种族歧视的时候,似乎首先想到的都是白人歧视其他族裔。不过优衣库这次爆出的新闻则特别不一样,竟然是白人员工表示自己... [查看全文]
What Can I Learn in One Minute that Will Be Useful for the Rest of My Life?有什么技能可以一分钟掌握并且受益终生?获... [查看全文]
MY FIRST, CHARMED week as a student at HarvardBusiness School, late in the summer of 2001, felt likea halcyon t... [查看全文]
过完了年,又到了离职高峰期。无论是出于什么原因离职,让人怀念总比招人恨好。怎样离职才能不招人恨?让专业人士来教你几招吧!1. 在告诉同... [查看全文]
Two Huawei employees who sent a message from the Chinese telecom firm’s Twitter account using an iPhone dev... [查看全文]
More than 80 percent of Chinese employees are overworked and under mental and physical stress at an average or ... [查看全文]
Who’s the boss? Many workers say they have more than one, and that’s causing frustration and confusion... [查看全文]