Employees reluctant to adopt data-driven working methods员工不愿意采用数据驱动的工作方法New research commissioned by ana... [查看全文]
Focus on Cost, But Don't Be Penny-Wise and Pound Foolish关注成本,不要贪小便宜吃大亏Small differences in the rate... [查看全文]
There's been no shortage of warnings about the career dangers of posting racy content on sites like Facebook... [查看全文]
THE guy in the next cubicle is yammering away on the phone. Across the room, someone begins cursing loudly at ... [查看全文]
The weakness question represents the most common and most stressful one posed during interviews. Yet in today'... [查看全文]
Distinguish between work and home mode区分工作模式和家庭模式One of the biggest perks about working from home - slow... [查看全文]
The most productive salary negotiations occur between people who realize that they have a common goal: to get th... [查看全文]
Alan Felstead, a professor at the Cardiff School of Social Science in the UK, conducted research which found tha... [查看全文]
Dreaming of a shorter workday? It might be good for you, and, according to a story published in The Guardian d... [查看全文]
商务口语培训内容有哪些,哪种培训内容更有用?对于很多商务人士来说,学好商务英语是非常有必要的,这样才能够与人正常交流,而商务英语也... [查看全文]