bar 酒吧counter 吧台bar chair 酒吧椅barman 酒吧男招待barmaid 酒吧女招待bottle opener 开瓶刀corkscrew 酒钻ice shaver 削... [查看全文]
Asia 亚洲The Himalayas 喜马拉雅山Great Wall, China 中国长城Forbidden City, Beijing, China 北京故宫Mount Fuji, Japan ... [查看全文]
询问地点:•Excuse me, please. I am looking for the museum / gallery / park/ river /shopping mall / city cen... [查看全文]
Few know more about the art of travel than acclaimed writers Paul Theroux and Pico Iyer, who have a combined s... [查看全文]
Hotel workers depend on tips to augment their usually smallsalaries. Rather than beingannoyed at having to tip th... [查看全文]
Do Not Pass 禁止超车No U Turn 禁止掉头U Turn Ok 可以U形转弯No Cycling in the School 校内禁止骑车SOS 紧急求救信号Han... [查看全文]
Business Hours 营业时间Office Hours 办公时间Entrance 入口Exit 出口Push 推Pull 拉Shut 此路不通On 打开 ( 放)Off 关Open... [查看全文]
I'm just browsing.我只是随便看看。Do you have this in a bigger / smaller size?有大一码、小一码的吗?Can I try thi... [查看全文]
Do you have any seats outside / by the window, please?请问有室外、靠窗的桌子吗?Do you have a smoking area?请问有吸... [查看全文]
Excuse me, please. I am looking for the museum / gallery / park / river /shopping mall / city centre.打扰一下,... [查看全文]