There is no shortage of tourist staples: Buckingham Palace, Piccadilly Circus, Marble Arch, Big Ben, the iconic red double-decker bus. If you've got just 24 hours, here are 10 unmissable places to observe Londoners in their natural habitat。 [查看全文]
阳光沙滩大海冲浪夏威夷,金色的沙摊,金色的人。 For most of us, Hawaii begins to weave her spell(魅力)with some little glimmer(微光) of awareness. Golden beaches and golden people. Sun, sand, sea, and surfA [查看全文]
Jason de Caires Taylor is the artist who exposed sculptures in underwater museums. Such museums are opened in Cancun, in Grenada Islands, in Lesser Antilles Islands but also on the bottom of a river in London. Jason carves the image of real [查看全文]
和服务人员的对话 我的座位在那里? Where is my seat? 我能将手提行李放在这儿吗? Can I put my baggage here ? 是否可替我更换座位? Could you change my seat, please? 我是否可将座位向后倾倒? (向后座 [查看全文]
海关: Good afternoon. Welcome to America.下午好!欢迎您来美国. 弗兰克: Thanks.谢谢。 海关: May I see your passport and customs declaration form?请出示您的护照和海关申报表好吗? 弗兰克: Yes, here they are [查看全文]
你知道怎样用地道的美式口语翻译下面这段话吗? 走这条单行道,在第一个红绿灯时左转, 那里就是 Hemphill Avenue, 是一条双线道。往下走, 你会在你的左边看到一个加油站,继续走 [查看全文]
日本核危机使人们对核相关的博物馆和工业产生了兴趣,许多人想获取有关核反应堆和核辐射的信息。 内华达沙漠320英尺宽的弹坑和亚利桑那州的泰坦二型导弹地下发射井都是世界上的 [查看全文]
The Dujiangyan Dam, 45km north of Chengdu, is an ancient technological wonder of the country. More than 2000 yers ago, Li Bing(250-200BC), as a local governor of the Shu State, designed this water control and irrigation dam and organized th [查看全文]
Europe(欧洲) notre dame de paris, france 法国巴黎圣母院 effiel tower, france 法国艾菲尔铁塔 arch of triumph, france 法国凯旋门 elysee palace, france 法国爱丽舍宫 louvre, france 法国卢浮宫 kolner dom, koln [查看全文]
Africa(非洲) suez canal, egypt 印度苏伊士运河 aswan high dam, egypt 印度阿斯旺水坝 nairobi national park, kenya 肯尼亚内罗毕国家公园 cape of good hope, south africa 南非好望角 sahara desert 撒哈拉大沙漠 [查看全文]