感谢信Letter of Thanks感谢信(Letter of Thanks)是外国政府机构或个人的关心、支持、帮助或热情款待表示感谢的对外函件。其具体格式和... [查看全文]
海报 POSTER海报是贴在人来人往的地方,告知广大群众大多是喜闻乐见的消息,如电影消息、球讯、商品报道等等,其性质类似广告,有的还配以... [查看全文]
1. 文体介绍在对外贸易中,询盘,也叫询价(inquiry或enquiry)是买方或买方对于所要购买或出售的商品向另一方作出的询问。询盘是交易的起点... [查看全文]
[Direction]:Take a report by the academic department of an association.Follows should be pay attention to:1)the i... [查看全文]
1. 文体介绍订货(order)是买方为要求供应具体数量的货物而提出的一种要求。此时,交易双方之间的陌生感已消除,可以说已经度过了接触障碍... [查看全文]
DearThank you for your letter of [date] in which you informed us that [product] you purchased was [nature of pr... [查看全文]
(Letters of Invitation)例1Directions:You are planning to ask your friend to join an outing. Express your idea clea... [查看全文]
祝福信(Letters of Regards)例Directions:You are going to send a letter to your friend for the new year. Please wri... [查看全文]
通知通知是上级对下级、组织对成员或平行单位之间部署工作、传达事情或召开会议等所使用的应用文。通知的写法有两种,一种是以布告形式贴出... [查看全文]
1. We inform you that the partnership existing between us in the business of wool has this day been dissolved ... [查看全文]