Do you have any questions you’d like to ask?你有什么问题要问吗?Do you have any questions you’d like to... [查看全文]
To be honest, it is a little bit less than I expected.说实话,这比我预期的要少一点。Would you consider 2,000 RMB a... [查看全文]
You will bo given a raise after a three-month probation period.三个月的试用期结束后你的薪资会得到提升。How long is my... [查看全文]
How would my performance be evacuated?怎样评估我的业绩呢?Any questions are welcomed.欢迎提问题。How would my performanc... [查看全文]
I believe ABC would offer me a standard rate of pay based on my experience and education background.我相信ABC会有... [查看全文]
It is a good place for me to make use of what I learned in the niversity.这里是我运用大学所学知识的好地方。What m... [查看全文]
I'm interested in your professional development system.我对你们的职业发展体系很感兴趣。We welcome any questions abou... [查看全文]
I'm not sure if I can have more informatlon about the framework of the department.不知道我可否多了解一些关于部门... [查看全文]
Are we going to have any kind of training?我们会有培训吗?What would we do during the probation period? Are we go... [查看全文]
I am wondering whether I am qualified for the position.我想知道我是否能够获得这个职位。Thank you for your excellent ... [查看全文]