Do you have any questions you’d like to ask? 你有什么问题要问吗? Do you have any questions you’... [查看全文]
To be honest, it is a little bit less than I expected.说实话,这比我预期的要少一点。Would you consider 2,000 RMB a... [查看全文]
You will bo given a raise after three-momth probation period.三个月的试用期结束后你的薪资会得到提升。How long is my p... [查看全文]
I believe ABC would offer me a standard rate of pay based on my experience and education background.我相信ABC会有... [查看全文]
What’s your expected salary?你期望的薪水是多少?What’s your expected salary?你期望的薪水是多少?I hope my start... [查看全文]
What’s your annual salary now?你现在的年薪是多少?What's your annual salary now?你现在的年薪是多少?60,000 RMB.60... [查看全文]
The project team disbanded as the work was completed.工作完成后我们的项目组解散了。What made you decide to leave the... [查看全文]
What made you leave W Company?What made you leave W Company ?Because I want to work in a big company.The compa... [查看全文]
It is a good place for me to make use of what I learned in the niversity.这里是我运用大学所学知识的好地方。What m... [查看全文]
As a large multinational corporation, ABC can offer me more opportunities to work abroad.作为大型跨国企业,ABC会给我... [查看全文]