就我的记忆来说……As far as I can remember,...What's John's last name? (约翰姓什么来着?)As far as I can reme... [查看全文]
尽快。As soon as possible. 缩写是ASAP。Should I mail this letter to you? (我可以把这封信寄给你吗?)Yes. As soon as p... [查看全文]
事实胜于雄辩。The proof of the pudding is in the eating.直译是不吃布丁不知道布丁的味道。即不实际去试试,是不会知道它的真正... [查看全文]
行动比语言更响亮。Actions speak louder than words.(钱财等)来得容易去得快。Easy come, easy go. 轻易得来的钱财,是不被珍惜的... [查看全文]
换换心情。for a change 偶尔地、换心情、追求变化、变化一下、别开生面的、下次等情况时用。Let's take a walk for a change... [查看全文]
别说丧气话。Never say die. 直译绝不言死。无论遇到什么情况也不能绝望,始终要尽最大的努力,坚定信心抱有希望地坚持下去的意思。过去... [查看全文]
What should we do? (我们该怎么办?)I don't know. It's really a difficult problem. (我不知道。这真是个难题。)It&... [查看全文]
I don't know what to do.I don't know what to do. (该怎么办呢?)Don't worry, I'll help. (别担心,我来... [查看全文]
We have to decide what to do. (我们得决定什么做。)That's the hard part. (这正是难点。)That's the difficult p... [查看全文]
1. I think这是表达意见最常用的句式,正式与非正式场合皆可用。例句:When you’re older I think you’d be better ... [查看全文]